Thursday, November 12, 2020

REVIEW 2020 - Sendayu Tinggi


Okay basically this blog will reveal all products review that I have tried..

Since I love skincare (home basic care) + Make up, so I will reveal untold stories about those products..

DISCLAIMER : bear in mind that all reviews are based on my own experience only.. maybe not really related with your results/taste/experience..

My very 1st review ISSSSS..


Refer photo above and the small one (middle).. 

Product : Serum
Material : Gel
Price : RM40.00 (member: RM36.00)

I had two bottles of this Serum and constantly use day and night (twice a day). My intention to use this serum were to lighten my dark spots due to pigmentation and to reduce the wrinkles.

Please find my reviews in point form below k:
  • Teksture - in Gel but easily can absorb into your face. No need to wait any longer to apply next skin regime
  • Smell - light and good smell (not affects your daily routine)
  • One pump is enough to cover my face 
  • Can use the tiny bottle in 1-2 months of usage (twice daily) - so jimat!
Cons/Tak Bagus/Diadvantages:
  • Not give any impact to my skin
  • I cant find any differences before and after i use this
  • Not really suitable with my skin i think!
So after all, I think this serum not suitable with me!I've stopped use this after 5 months using it..Good bye ST..I was sad that I need to leave you behind..

For those yang berangan nak kulit bersih suci murni mcm kak Yatie tu stoplah berangan..mmg takkan dapat..hahaha..sbb I followed exactly what she did!what she applied..but the result is ZERO!!Nak kata sipi sipi pun nan hado!takde langsung..I noticed makin banyak I punya skin tag ada I cannot brainnn..huhuhu

Next product: Moisturizer (Right one in the photo) >>> NEXT POST :)

Okay tak jadi nak review product post by post..So I've decided to reveal all Sendayu Tinggi's products which proven no better result for me at one go!!

Lets treasure it..

2) Moisturiser - Orange and Green label

For me..moisturiser ni moisturiser je la kan..since my skin not too dry no changes I can share..coz my skin still look moist and silky skin actually I can use any moisturiser since it prove me no changes though.

3) Essence

Honestly (sarcasm tone), I dont know much what special about this essence.. I always apply it after toner routine to keep my skin not stretch maybe? I dont know..hahaha..but bila Yatie ST tu apply, i pun apply..for the sake of skin like her. But I was wrong!there's nothing from this product that can make my skin better..Literally this Essence was functioned like serum..but the texture does not really like serum..A bit sticky and melted..almost like a water..I just used for 4 months..then stopped!


This post will highlighted those not good product by ST..


There are few items which I've decided to buy constantly coz I has improved my skin health..

APAKAH ITU?????????

Just wait je  la k..

I've a lot of things need to share with you guys..but you need to wait a bit longer k..coz my daily routines were super duper busyyy..

be patient!

Actually ada lagi few products that I will include in this post..yelah..I dah beli almost 1k tau product ST..So I MUST share with you guys..

lotsss of loveee

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Pudarkan Jeragat?Drugstore Product je!SERUM GARDEN OF EDEN

 Assalammualaikum.. Actually I cant wait to share with you guys about this awesome product! To be's just a Serum.. Tapi POWERR...